Author Archives: hnklaw

Iran, Syria hit with $90 Million Dollar Judgment in US Court

A US federal court has entered Judgment against the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Syrian Arab Republic, ordering the countries, as state sponsors of terrorism, to pay $90 million US dollars in compensatory and punitive damages in connection with the terrorist murder of Eitam Henkin.

Judge Royce C. Lamberth of the US District Court for the District of Columbia awarded the damages to the family of Eitam Henkin, a 31-year-old PhD student and an American citizen, who was driving past the town of Beit Furik with his wife and four children when he and his wife were brutally shot and killed in front of their four children.

As found by the Court, HAMAS, which took credit for the double murder on its official website, had been receiving and benefiting from funding, weapons and other material support provided by both Iran and Syria, both of which have long supported terrorism – and continue to do so to this day. HAMAS is an acronym for the Islamic Resistance Movement, which commits heinous terror attacks against civilians, citizens and visitors to Israel and elsewhere and as a result has been designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.  Iran and Syria have been designated by the US State Department as state sponsors of terrorism and therefore do not enjoy sovereign immunity under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act.

The compensatory damages awarded by the court included $5 million to each of Eitam’s parents and $2.5 million to each of his siblings as compensation for the mental anguish, bereavement, grief and irreparable tragic loss which they have suffered as a result of the heinous murder of Eitam.

In addition, the Court awarded the Henkin family punitive damages in the amount of $67.5 million, consistent with other DC District Court decisions “to punish and deter the actions for which they were awarded, rather than to compensate the victim.”  Judge Lamberth aptly stated “this Court hopes that the victims and their families may find some measure of solace from this Court’s final judgment” in awarding the damages to the family.

The Plaintiffs are represented by the law firms of Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, PC of Washington, DC. and Michael Dvorin, Esq. of Jerusalem, Israel. “Pursuing Justice through litigation filed on behalf of American victims of terror is necessary, not only on behalf of the Henkin family, but also in order to stand against terror organizations and operatives who choose to fight their political battles through weaponry, hatred and rejection of the freedoms we enjoy as Americans.  As it has been said, ‘Justice, Justice Thou Shalt Pursue”  said senior counsel Richard D. Heideman, speaking from Jerusalem, Israel.

About Heideman Nudelman & Kalik PC

The law firm of Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, PC. (, based in Washington, DC, is a global firm with affiliates in various parts of the world. Richard D. Heideman, Noel J. Nudelman, Tracy R. Kalik and other members and associates of the firm have extensive experience in complex litigation. The firm has served as lead counsel in numerous cases on behalf of victims and their family members who have been killed or injured in terrorist attacks throughout the world.  Such litigation includes cases against Libya, the Syrian Arab Republic, The Islamic Republic of Iran, the PA/PLO, Arab Bank, PLC and others accused of funding or providing material support for terror.


For further information, contact:

Richard D. Heideman, Senior Counsel, Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, P.C.

Tel: 202 463-8018

Cell:  202 255-5700



Opinion: The history of apartheid proves Israel is not an apartheid state (JNS)

The false, defamatory and bigoted lie that Israel is an apartheid state is part of a long-standing conspiratorial effort by countries of the Arab League, the Palestine Liberation Organization (a designated foreign terrorist organization), the Palestinian Authority and various governments and organizations to bring down Israel.

This conspiracy of defamation has received increasing support, including at the U.N., where an open-ended “Commission of Inquiry” recently stated that it will “investigate” apartheid charges against Israel. The rhetoric surrounding this announcement suggests that the Commission has already predetermined the outcome of its “investigation.”

These efforts are a bad faith attempt to turn public opinion against Israel, pit Jewish people against one another and embed defamatory lies in the minds of college students, community members, congresspeople, opinion-makers and influencers.

The following excerpts on the subject come from my most recent book, The Bloody Price of Freedom:

The demonizing accusation that Israel is an “apartheid” state is a spurious and baseless claim rooted in the very bigotry that the accusers purport to stand against. The comparison between the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and apartheid in South Africa can be traced back to the “Zionism is a form of racism” resolution. U.N. Resolution 3379 stated that “the racist regime [Israel] in occupied Palestine and the racist regimes in Zimbabwe and South Africa have a common imperialist origin, forming a whole and having the same racist structure and being organically linked in their policy aimed at repression of the dignity and integrity of the human being.”

Thus, the notion that Zionism is racism and Israel is an apartheid state stem from an erroneous and malicious claim that is simply not based in fact, law or reality.

Israel has long been a haven for refugees of Jewish descent since its founding, and the Jewish people have been and remain committed to social justice, equality and due process of law for people from all walks of life. Israel has guaranteed freedom of access for peoples of all religions to all the holy places in Jerusalem and throughout Israel.

Clearly, as stated in paragraph 13 of Israel’s Declaration of Independence, it was pronounced and has been practiced throughout Israel’s history that the state would “be based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel; it will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex.”

This commitment is in sharp contrast to that of South Africa, which was under the dominion of the British empire. Neighboring Zimbabwe, then known as Southern Rhodesia, was under the control of Cecil Rhodes and the British South Africa Company. The colonization efforts in Zimbabwe and South Africa had nothing to do with religious freedom and everything to do with exploiting the people and natural resources of these lands.

In 1948, Afrikaner nationalism dominated South African politics, which introduced intentional and explicit racial segregation and white minority rule. The label of apartheid—an Afrikaans word meaning “separateness”—was coined by the National Party government itself in 1948 and remained the practice of the country until the National Party’s fall from power in 1994.

Under the apartheid regime in South Africa, black communities were completely banned and separated from every single aspect of white people’s society. The Group Areas Act of 1950 divided cities into “group areas,” restricting ownership and residences to specific population groups. The Bantu Homelands Citizens Act of 1970 stripped black South Africans of their state citizenship and authorized the forced removal of thousands of African people from their homes in the urban centers. The Native Building Workers Act of 1951 limited the places where black people were permitted to work, while the Native Labour Act of 1953 banned black Africans from organizing a strike. The Bantu Education Act of 1953 was geared towards educating black Africans exclusively for low-skill, low-wage jobs. The Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act of 1949 and the Immorality Amendment Act of 1950 forbade marital and sexual relationships between white people and people of other races. The Prohibition of Political Interference Act of 1968 prohibited multiracial political parties.

By contrast, in Israel, there is an official policy of affirmative action administered by the Israeli government aimed at including minority Israelis in all aspects of public life. The Arabs who chose to stay in Israel during and following the 1948 war are Israeli citizens and are entitled to the rights granted to all citizens under the law. Arab Israelis serve in public institutions as ministers, Supreme Court judges, parliament members and governmental clerks. Furthermore, the former parties of the Joint List, an Arab-Israeli political bloc, hold seats in the Knesset, the Israeli parliament. For the first time, in 2019, the Joint List endorsed a candidate to become prime minister of Israel.

It is also common to find many Arab Israelis holding only Israeli citizenship. Between 2011 and 2013, Professor Sammy Smooha, a researcher from Haifa University, conducted a poll among Arab Israelis, asking if they identify as Israeli or Palestinian. More than 20% responded “Israeli” or “Israeli-Palestinian.” Furthermore, according to his findings, when Arab-Israeli participants were asked if they would move to a Palestinian state if it is formed, 65– 77% percent of them replied that they would not.

A walk through the streets, shopping malls and hospitals of Israel will permit one to see and appreciate the integrated society that exists within all of Israel. People of all religions, all races and all beliefs are treated with respect in all public places; have access to all religious places; are protected in their right of prayer and assembly; have full access to healthcare treatment without regard to their race, religion, sexual orientation or beliefs; and enjoy freedoms not known anywhere else in the Middle East.

Where South Africa intended to and did impose a segregationist regime and called it apartheid, the allegation that Israel is similarly an apartheid state originated not from fact or from governmental policy but from Israel’s enemies as an intentional distortion of her commitment to building a wholesome society where diversity is cherished and rights are protected by the rule of law. Applying the moniker of apartheid to Israel today is another example of an antisemitic double standard applied exclusively to the Jewish state and ignores much greater injustices suffered by minority ethnic and religious groups around the world.

To put it bluntly, the attempt to equate Israel with South Africa is defamatory and disingenuous. Moreover, calling Israel an apartheid state under these circumstances does great injustice to Israel’s vibrant democracy and further disrespects the real and genuine struggle against the racism of the apartheid regime in South Africa. Moreover, the accusers against Israel who are in the Palestinian territories are obligated to look at their own leadership, and to look inward, as they essentially call for the future Palestinian state to be judenrein—free of Jews.

Who is it that is practicing apartheid?

Originally published by Richard D. Heideman in JNS

Richard D. Heideman is Senior Counsel of Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, PC, the Washington D.C. law firm representing American Victims of Terror. He is also Chairman of the Israel Forever Foundation, Honorary President of B’nai B’rith International and the Immediate Past President of the American Zionist Movement. The views expressed in this article and in his latest book The Bloody Price of Freedom (Gefen, Jerusalem/New York) are his own and not attributable to any organization.

How can sanctions be applied better on Russia? – comment

Accordingly, payments for goods or services from and to parties that are not under sanctions are being held in transfer for weeks.

Sanctions have long been used by the United States, the EU and the United Nations to target the wrongdoings of dangerous regimes such as Libya, Iran and Syria; and have indeed had an enormous impact on those terror-sponsoring states. The sanctions imposed on these countries and their relevant actors remain important tools in seeking to deter their heinous activities.

In response to the ongoing war in Ukraine, both the US and EU have assembled new and broad sanctions policies targeting Russia, Belarus and those who are perceived to have influence on, or connections to, the Russian administration. But it is necessary to ask whether these sanctions are being applied properly.

The new sanctions being applied by the Biden administration go beyond Russia’s energy supply and governmental activities and are more extensive than the Obama administration’s 2014 executive order targeting investment and trade at the time of and relating to Russia’s activities regarding Crimea. Businesses today appear to be in a fog when determining whether they can conduct a particular transaction with a person or entity from Russia or Belarus, even one not on the sanctions list.

Due to the broad scale of the new regulations, many corporations and their leaders find themselves in a situation where they risk a breach of perfectly legal transactions as they often hesitate to execute transactions for lack of clarity and the fear of a possible risk to themselves or their businesses.

The White House or Department of Treasury reveal that recent sanctions are being issued under broad catch-all provisions which appear to be ambiguous as to the basis for the sanctions, and thus are creating confusion and are essentially applicable to not only the listed “oligarchs,” but are extendable to a multitude of Russian citizens. This is a consequence which the Biden administration surely did not intend to bring about – punishing presumptively innocent Russian people or legitimate businesses, rather than the Russian government.

However, the application of these broad, and in some cases unsubstantiated, sanctions to a wide swath of legitimate businesses in the sanctioned countries – as well as other locations where businesspeople of Russian descent have established companies or subsidiaries, including in the US, EU and Israel – has created an atmosphere of serious doubt over whether the secondary sanctions apply to them and to what extent, and are likely to lead to extensive damage and chaos in ongoing or contemplated business transactions, which runs contrary to the essential goals of the sanctions.

Notwithstanding the intended purpose of primary and secondary sanctions, the US has a vested interest in helping legitimate Russian and Belarus business and personnel thrive in their doing of commerce, particularly outside of Russia. And while the US has taken a clear stand in this case, for Israel, which is caught between the two giants, it is not as simple to take an unequivocal step on the issue.

Russia as another important ally
WHILE THE US may be Israel’s most important ally, Russia is another important ally to Israel, and is a critically necessary ally in the Middle East due to its presence and influence in the region, including the Syrian border and Israel’s ongoing efforts to stop Iran’s movement of dangerous and life-threatening terrorist weapons across Syria to Hezbollah in Lebanon, a designated Foreign Terror Organization. Israel also has a sizable Russian-speaking citizen population living in the country who maintain families, property and ongoing business and personal ties in Russia.

But despite Israel’s present neutral stance, Israeli banks and businesses do not know if and/or when people and entities of Russian/Belarus origin, with whom they may otherwise do business, will be added to the list.

Accordingly, payments for goods or services from and to parties that are not under sanctions are being held in transfer for weeks and sometimes not finalized as the banks do not know how to interpret the potentiality of their customers coming onto a sanction list on a day-to-day basis, creating risk for the banking sector and causing both Israel and the US to lose valuable growth and creating unnecessary controversies between parties to transactions, which is further likely to cause legitimate Russian businesspeople to turn to competitor countries like China or to do their business in the Gulf, including in Abraham Accords jurisdictions, such as the UAE.

For the sanctions to succeed as intended, quick and simple measures must be taken to assure that innocent Russian businesspeople are not improperly sanctioned or precluded from doing legitimate business with the US, the EU, Israel and other allies.

There needs to be a connection, and easy communication between business and banks around the world and the US Department of Treasury, or other administrative personnel that can provide simple and quick guidance. This perhaps could be accomplished through a clearing desk that can review and approve proposed transactions or provide “no action” letters as to avoid punishing those who have no culpability for the tragic ongoing situation in Ukraine and to help efficiently ensure that sanctions are only applied fairly and properly, as intended.

The triangular relationship between Russian, Israeli and American businesses and governments was always both important and impactful but is now precariously stretched to its limits for the ongoing and needed future legitimate transactions, it is important that this triangular relationship not be turned into a Bermuda Triangle, with the lack of clear instructions that will necessarily make good and valuable transactions disappear into thin air.

The international business and legal community must demand fair and efficient treatment and review of sanctions, threatened and feared, to make sure that sanctions, as applied to third parties, do not unfairly punish legitimate businesses and individuals and damage western companies, economies and innocent businesspeople in the process.

Anna Moshe practices corporate and commercial law in Tel Aviv. The views expressed are the personal views of the author(s); Richard D. Heideman is senior counsel of Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, PC, a Washington law firm which represents American victims of terror; Joseph H. Tipograph is a member of Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, PC, and previously served as a vice chairman of the American Bar Association Section of Antitrust Law, Financial Services and Insurance Committee;Yoav Navon is an Israeli lawyer and litigation consultant, with expertise in litigation finance and complex international disputes.

Article published in The Jerusalem Post

Joseph A. Cannon named Of Counsel at Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, PC


Washington, DC – Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, PC is pleased to announce that Joseph A. Cannon, lawyer and public advocate, has joined its law firm as Of Counsel.

Following a clerkship out of law school with the Hon. Aldon J. Anderson, U.S. District Court for the District of Utah, Cannon began his legal career as an associate at Morgan, Lewis & Bockius. He was a partner in the Washington, D.C. office of Pillsbury Madison & Sutro (and later Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman) where he specialized in environmental, energy and administrative law as well as co-leading the firm’s public policy practice.

Cannon comes to Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, PC with significant public sector service achievements including having served as the Associate Administrator for Policy & Resource Management at the United States Environmental Protection Agency where he oversaw the budget preparation and implementation, the regulatory review process including engaging with the Office of Management and Budget. Subsequently Cannon served as Assistant Administrator for Air & Radiation at the EPA, having been appointed by President Reagan and confirmed by the Senate. In that capacity he was responsible for implementing the Clean Air Act and enforcing its provisions. He has testified a number of times before various committees of Congress.

In addition to his legal career Cannon has served as President of Young Living Essential Oils, President & CEO of the Fuel Freedom Foundation, President of Millennium Bulk Terminals, and Editor of the Deseret News, a major daily newspaper in Salt Lake City, Utah. He was CEO & Chairman of Geneva Steel (then NYSE: GNV) where he played a leading role in the acquisition of the Geneva Steel works from USX Corporation.

Cannon has served on a number of prestigious boards and positions including: member of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council (appointed by President George H. W. Bush), Trustee of the American Enterprise Institute, member of the Salt Lake Olympic Organizing Committee, Empower America, the American Iron & Steel Institute, the International Iron & Steel Institute, the Utah Symphony, Utah Opera, the Utah Shakespeare Festival, the Climate Institute (Founding Member), the National Advisory Council of the BYU Marriott School of Management. He has also served as Chairman of the Utah Republican Party and member of the Republican National Committee. Cannon has received the Torch of Liberty Award from the Anti-Defamation League.

“I am pleased to be joining the prestigious D.C.-based law firm of Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, P.C.,” said Joseph Cannon, “the firm, which is noted for its ground-breaking work in representing American victims of terrorism, has consistently shown unwavering dedication to its clients and remarkable creativity in its approach to problem solving.”

“We are proud to be adding Joe Cannon—an accomplished lawyer, businessman, public servant and civic leader—to our team,” said Richard D. Heideman, Esq., Senior Counsel of Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, P.C., “Both Joe’s myriad of professional accomplishments and his quality of character bring important and significant value to our firm’s tireless pursuit of justice on behalf of all our clients.”

About Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, P.C.
The law firm of Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, P.C. (, based in Washington, DC, is a global firm with affiliates in various parts of the world. Richard D. Heideman, Noel J. Nudelman, Tracy R. Kalik and other members, associates and affiliates of the firm have extensive experience in complex litigation. The firm has served as lead counsel in numerous cases on behalf of victims of terror and their family members who have been killed or injured in terrorist attacks throughout the world. The firm has successfully brought cases against Libya, the Syrian Arab Republic, The Islamic Republic of Iran, the PA/PLO, Arab Bank plc and others accused of funding or providing material support for terror and continues committed to seeking justice on behalf of Americans who have suffered at the hands of terrorists, their sponsors, supporters and funders.

For more information please contact:
Phone: 202.670.6723

Iran Hit with $325M Judgment in Connection with the 1983 Marine Barracks Bombing in Beirut

An important measure of justice to those who lost life, limb and family as a direct result of the Iranian sponsored bombing

The US District Court for the District of Columbia has entered Judgment against the Islamic Republic of Iran (“Iran”). The designated State Sponsor of Terrorism was ordered by the Court to pay in excess of $325 million in compensatory and punitive damages to more than a dozen servicemen and their families as a result of the October 23, 1983 bombing of the Marine Barracks in Beirut, Lebanon. The victims are represented by the Washington, DC law firm Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, P.C., which has represented American victims of terror for two decades with a concentration in civil counter-terror litigation.

The Honorable Royce C. Lamberth of the US District Court for the District of Columbia awarded the damages to the servicemen, and their families. The Court found that Iran was liable for the attack.

In addition to the compensatory damages awarded to each of the Plaintiffs, the Court also awarded punitive damages. “…the defendant must be punished to the fullest extend legally possible for the bombing in Beirut on October 23, 1983,” stated Judge Lamberth, who went on to say that the attack was “a depraved act that destroyed the lives of countless individuals and their families, including the 33 plaintiffs who are parties to this lawsuit.”

“This judgment provides an important measure of justice to those who lost life, limb and family as a direct result of the Iranian sponsored bombing of the U.S. Marine Barracks in Beirut, Lebanon,” said Richard D. Heideman, Senior Counsel of Heideman Nudelman & Kalik PC. “Iran must pay the debts that it owes to the victims of the terror it sponsors, including these courageous Marines who were in Beirut on an important peacekeeping mission.”
The case opinion is Ayres et al v. The Islamic Republic of Iran, 1:18-cv-00265 (D.D.C., May 3, 2022) [D.E.68]
About Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, P.C.

The law firm of Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, P.C., based in Washington, DC, is a global firm with affiliates in various parts of the world. Richard D. Heideman, Noel J. Nudelman, Tracy R. Kalik and other members, associates and affiliates of the firm have extensive experience in complex litigation. The firm has served as lead counsel in numerous cases on behalf of victims of terror and their family members who have been killed or injured in terrorist attacks throughout the world. The firm has successfully brought cases against Libya, the Syrian Arab Republic, The Islamic Republic of Iran, the PA/PLO, Arab Bank plc and others accused of funding or providing material support for terror and continues committed to seeking justice on behalf of Americans who have suffered at the hands of terrorists, their sponsors, supporters and funders.

Richard D. Heideman, Senior Counsel of Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, P.C., is the author of the recently published The Bloody Price of Freedom (Gefen Publishing House, 2021) and is available for interviews and comments on matters relating to the ongoing battle against terror and the important use of the American legal system in pursuit of justice.

ISIS-Supporter Syrian Arab Republic Hit With $108M Judgment

The US District Court for the District of Columbia has entered Judgment against the Syrian Arab Republic (“Syria”), ordering Syria, as a designated State Sponsor of Terrorism, to pay $108 million in compensatory and punitive damages to Chaim Winternitz and his family as a result of  the March 2016 suicide bombing at the Brussels Airport carried out by The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (more commonly known as “ISIS”), which caused serious injuries to Mr. Winternitz. The victims are represented by the Washington, DC law firm Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, P.C., which has represented American victims of terror for two decades and concentrates in civil counter-terror litigation.

The Honorable Timothy J. Kelly of the US District Court for the District of Columbia awarded the damages to Mr. Winternitz, and members of his family, including his daughter who was also present in the airport that day. The Court found that Syria was liable for the attack due to  the material support it provided to ISIS.  ISIS, which claimed responsibility for the attack, has long been designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the US government.

In addition to the compensatory damages awarded to each of the Plaintiffs, the Court also awarded punitive damages. “The targeted bombing of a crowded airport was unconscionable,” stated Judge Kelly, who went on to find “the harm it caused was substantial, the need to deter terrorism is high, and Syria is a wealthy sovereign.”

“The ruling is an important victory for the Winternitz family who suffered tremendously as a result of the Syria-sponsored attack upon the Brussels Airport,” said Richard D. Heideman, Senior Counsel of Heideman Nudelman & Kalik PC.  “It is crucially important to seek to hold sponsors of terror legally accountable and this judgment speaks loudly on behalf of victims of terror, holds Syria accountable for its continued support of terror attacks and terror organizations and, most importantly, provides some measure of justice for these victims.”

About Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, P.C.

The law firm of Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, P.C. (, based in Washington, DC, is a global firm with affiliates in various parts of the world. Richard D. Heideman, Noel J. Nudelman, Tracy R. Kalik and other members, associates and affiliates of the firm have extensive experience in complex litigation. The firm has served as lead counsel in numerous cases on behalf of victims of terror and their family members who have been killed or injured in terrorist attacks throughout the world. The firm has successfully brought cases against Libya, the Syrian Arab Republic, The Islamic Republic of Iran, the PA/PLO, Arab Bank plc and others accused of funding or providing material support for terror and continues committed to seeking justice on behalf of Americans who have suffered at the hands of terrorists, their sponsors, supporters and funders.

Richard D. Heideman, Senior Counsel of Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, P.C., is the author of the recently published The Bloody Price of Freedom (Gefen Publishing House, 2021) and is available for interviews and comments on matters relating to the ongoing battle against terror and the important use of the American legal system in pursuit of justice.

For further information, contact:
Richard D. Heideman, Senior Counsel, Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, P.C.
Tel: 202 463-8018

Illuminating the Link Between Terrorism and Antisemitism: Announcing the Publication of “The Bloody Price of Freedom”

Available now at

Essential reading for anyone interested in standing against the demonization of Israel and antisemitic attacks upon the Jewish people.

 WASHINGTON, DC January 20, 2022 EINPresswire The Bloody Price of Freedom By Richard D. Heideman

The Bloody Price of Freedom is a meticulously documented volume, which analyzes the multipronged diplomatic, boycott and terror warfare against Israel and the global Jewish community. It is essential reading, and it provides tools for anyone interested in standing against the demonization of Israel and antisemitic attacks upon the Jewish people.

The Bloody Price of Freedom book addresses the insidious attacks; maligning worldwide propaganda; economic, academic, and other boycotts; as well as the misapplication of international law in the United Nations and elsewhere that have been leveraged against Israel. A special section on the International Court of Justice’s 2004 nonbinding advisory opinion on the construction of Israel’s terrorism-prevention security fence includes detailed illustrative maps.

“A must-read for anybody who is committed to fight for justice and against antisemitism in its new form of anti-Zionism.” —Brig. Gen (ret.) Yossi Kuperwasser, Former Director-General, Israel Ministry of Strategic Affairs

“Regardless of your political views, this book will offer you a fresh perspective and invaluable information meant to help advance what we all desire most – peace, freedom, and truth.” —Yifa Segal, Founder and Former Chair and CEO, The International Legal Forum

“Essential reading for anyone wishing to fully understand the global terrorist, economic, and legal assault on Israel.” —Daniel S. Mariaschin, CEO, B’nai B’rith International

 About the Author Richard D. Heideman is a highly acclaimed attorney in Washington, DC, who represents American victims of terror and their families. His expertise has been widely recognized and he has submitted amicus filings in support of Israel and the Jewish people at the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court, the Polish Constitutional Tribunal, and the US Supreme Court, and he has testified before the United States Senate. Richard cochairs the Israel Forever Foundation with his wife Phyllis and is proud to work closely in the pursuit of justice with their three daughters, Stefanie, Elana, and Ariana.



Hard Cover: $29.95 | 296 pp
ISBN: 9789657023051
Publication date: January 18, 2022
Published by Gefen Publishing House
Available at
Wholesale: Ingram, Baker & Taylor

Media Contact
Starburst Communications

Taliban-Funder Islamic Republic Of Iran Hit With $136M Judgment In Us Court

A US federal court has entered Judgment against the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (collectively “Iran”), ordering Iran, as state sponsors of terrorism, to pay $136 million in compensatory and punitive damages to three families who suffered the murders of their loved ones in prolonged terrorist attacks upon hotels in Kabul, Afghanistan carried out by the Afghan Taliban’s militant terrorist arm, the Haqqani Network, in 2015 and 2018. The estates of the victims, and their families are represented by the Washington, DC law firm Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, PC, and attorney Ron Jenkins of Meridian 361 International Law Group, PLLC. Both firms specialize in civil counter-terror litigation.

Judge Trevor N. McFadden of the US District Court for the District of Columbia awarded the damages to the estates of U.S. citizens Paula L. Kantor, Glenn L Selig and Abdullah Waheed, and members of their families. The Court found that Ms. Kantor died in an attack that occurred on May 13-14, 2015, at the Park Palace Hotel in Kabul, that Mr. Selig and Mr. Waheed died in an attack that occurred on January 20-21, 2018, at the Intercontinental Hotel in Kabul and that Iran was liable for the attack due to its material support of the Taliban’s Haqqani Network, which claimed responsibility for both attacks and has long been designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the US government.

In addition to the compensatory damages awarded to each of the Plaintiffs, the Court awarded punitive damages. “Iran’s acts were heinous,” stated Judge McFadden in his opinion, “Their acts were intended to-and did-cause unconscionable pain and suffering. There is a need for deterrence because, time and again, courts in this district have been confronted with families shattered by Iran-backed terrorists.”

Iran has long been designated by the US State Department as a State Sponsor of Terrorism and therefore does not enjoy sovereign immunity under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act. Iran is the worst sponsor of terror in the world.

“The ruling is an important victory for the Americans who lost life and limb as a direct result of the Iranian-sponsored attacks in these Kabul hotels,” said Richard D. Heideman, Senior Counsel of Heideman Nudelman & Kalik PC, “this case shows that terrorism is universally directed at all peoples, and all of us must stand together in stamping out the heinous acts of maiming and murder directed towards the innocent.”

“Iran continues to be the largest state sponsor of terror in the world and as such deserves to be singled out for their sponsorship of these acts of murder,” F.R. Jenkins of the Meridian 361 International Law Group, PLLC, said. “This judgment stands to hold Iran accountable and most importantly provide some measure of justice for these victims.”

About Heideman Nudelman & Kalik PC
The law firm of Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, PC. (, based in Washington, DC, is a global firm with affiliates in various parts of the world. Richard D. Heideman, Noel J. Nudelman, Tracy R. Kalik and other members, associates and affiliates of the firm have extensive experience in complex litigation. The firm has served as lead counsel in numerous cases on behalf of victims of terror and their family members who have been killed or injured in terrorist attacks throughout the world. The firm has successfully brought cases against Libya, the Syrian Arab Republic, The Islamic Republic of Iran, the PA/PLO, Arab Bank, PLC and others accused of funding or providing material support for terror and continues committed to seeking justice on behalf of Americans who have suffered at the hands of terrorists, their sponsors, supporters and funders.

About Meridian 361 International Law Group, PLLC
Meridian 361 ( is a boutique international law firm. Ron Jenkins investigates high profile and complex terror attacks, and designs and executes litigation to bring justice to victims. He has a demonstrable track record of success in litigation involving Iran, Syria, Libya, the Abu Nidal Organization, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, al-Qaida in Iraq, the Islamic State of Iraq, the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, the Taliban, the Haqqani Network and others, and has represented victims in lobbying campaigns, direct negotiations with state sponsors, and numerous victim compensation claims programs.
For further information, contact:

Richard D. Heideman, Senior Counsel, Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, PC
Direct Line: 202 463-8018

F. Ronald Jenkins, Esq.
Meridian 361 International Law Group, PLLC
Direct Line: 202-361-4944

American Victims of March 22, 2016 ISIS Brussels’ Airport Attack Sue Syrian Arab Republic

Litigation Filed to Hold Syria Liable for Damages Incurred by American Victims of Brussels Airport Terrorist Attack

WASHINGTON, D.C., September 15, 2021 – Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, P.C., the Washington D.C. law firm, has filed a lawsuit, Estate of Justin Shults, et al., v. Syrian Arab Republic, on behalf of United States victims of terror against the Syrian Arab Republic (“Syria”), a designated State Sponsor of Terrorism, for providing material support to The Islamic State, a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization (“ISIS”). The Complaint, filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, seeks to hold Syria accountable for the Brussels Airport Attack which was carried out by ISIS on the morning of March 22, 2016.

The ISIS cell responsible for committing the Brussels Airport Attack is part of the same ISIS cell that carried out the terror attacks at the Bataclan Theatre and other locations in Paris on November 13, 2015 (“Paris Bataclan Theatre Attack”). Both attacks were carried out in similar fashion and included several calculated simultaneous shootings and/or bombings in multiple locations around each city.

As described in the Complaint, on March 22, 2016, three ISIS operatives entered the Brussels Airport carrying deadly bombs. At approximately 8:00 a.m. local time two bombs were detonated inside the Brussels Airport killing 32 and injuring hundreds. ISIS immediately took responsibility for the bombings. Syria provided material support to ISIS by providing training, weapons, logistical support and funding to the ISIS terrorists who committed this terrorist attack.

Three of the Plaintiffs in this case were brutally murdered and nine Plaintiffs were tragically and permanently injured. Each of the 27 Plaintiffs in this case incurred significant pain and suffering directly or as a result of the death and/or serious injuries to their loved ones. This case is related to Winternitz, et al., v. Syrian Arab Republic, 1:17-cv-02104 (D. D.C. Oct. 11, 2017) also filed by Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, P.C. on behalf of victims of the Brussels Airport Attack.

Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, P.C. also recently filed the case Wilson, et al., v. Syrian Arab Republic on behalf of victims of the Paris Bataclan Theatre Attack, carried out by ISIS with support from Syria. In the Paris Bataclan Theatre Attack 89 people were killed while at least 99 others were seriously injured and hospitalized.

Richard D. Heideman, Senior Counsel of Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, P.C., stated “Syria was designated as a State Sponsor of terror by the U.S. State Department in 1979 and is the terror-supporting country which has been, and remains, so designated for the longest period of time and is subject to the jurisdiction of US courts in accordance with the terrorism exception of the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act. Syria must be held accountable for its sponsorship of this heinous act of murder and maiming of innocent people who were simply at an airport to board their flights or to wish their loved one’s goodbye. . Syria must be punished. Not only will the litigation bring justice to the victims of this terror attack, but it is also designed to serve as a deterrent against the continuation of future Syrian supported terrorism.”

For the better part of the last twenty years, Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, P.C. has been a vigorous advocate for American victims of terror, holding the perpetrators and sponsor of heinous terror attacks accountable, while seeking justice for the victims of these terror attacks. Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, P.C.’s clients include victims of the 1983 attack on the United States Marine barracks in Beirut; victims of the 1985 hijacking of EgyptAir Flight 648; victims of the 1985 attack on Leonardo da Vinci Airport in Rome; victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States and victims of countless attacks in Israel upon children, families and communities. Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, P.C. attorneys have secured judgments on behalf of the firm’s clients assessing billions of dollars in compensatory and punitive damages against state sponsors of terror who have been accused of providing material support for terror.

Richard D. Heideman further stated “As it has been written, Justice Justice Thou Shalt Pursue”.