Noel J. Nudelman

Born in Old Tappan, New Jersey, Noel J. Nudelman received his Bachelor of Arts Degree from Boston University in 1989 with a major in Economics and a minor in Business Administration and his Juris Doctor from Brooklyn Law School in 1993.  Licensed to practice law in the District of Columbia, the States of New York and New Jersey and in the United States District Courts for New Jersey as well as the Western District of Wisconsin, he is also admitted to practice before the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.

Mr. Nudelman serves as Vice President of Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, P.C., Mr. Nudelman is a member of the New York State Bar Association, the New Jersey State Bar Association, the DC Bar Association, the Next Generation Committee of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Republican Jewish Coalition, the March of the Living International Advisory Board, and the International Leadership Counsel of The Israel Forever Foundation.

His primary areas of practice are complex civil litigation and corporate and transactional representation.  Mr. Nudelman’s keen business sense combined with his ability to analyze legal issues affords his clients a well-rounded and in-depth approach in problem solving.  His rapport with clients, both in and out of the courthouse, gives him a clear edge in conflict resolution and case completion.

Mr. Nudelman has more than twenty years experience in representing American victims (and their family members) who were injured and/or killed in terrorist attacks throughout the world in seeking justice and accountability against those who provided material support and/or aided and abetted the terrorist organizations which perpetrated the terrorist attack. In these matters, Mr. Nudelman has served as counsel in bringing cases against State sponsors of terrorism, such as the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Syrian Arab Republic and Libya, pursuant to the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (28 U.S.C. §1605) and against entities and others under the Anti-Terrorism Act (18 U.S.C. §2331 et sec).

Some of the matters in which Mr. Nudelman has served as a lead counsel in the matters of:

  1. Litle et al v Arab Bank, Plc, litigation brought by American victims and their family members who were killed or injured as a result of terror attacks perpetrated during the Second Intifada in Israel. In September 2014, a jury found the Arab Bank guilty of funding and sponsoring terrorism in violation of the Anti‐Terrorism Act (“ATA”).  This is believed to be the first time a financial institution has been found liable for violating the ATA.  After the liability trial, and prior to the damages trial, the cases were settled.  In connection with this matter, Mr. Nudelman and other members of HNK were named one of the 2016 Trial Lawyers of the Year by Public Justice.
  2. Selig, et al. v. Islamic Republic of Iran, et al. This case involves two separate terrorist attacks that occurred in Kabul, Afghanistan- one on May 13, 2015 at the Park Place Hotel and the second on January 20, 2018 at the Intercontinental Hotel. Both attacks were perpetrated by the Haqani Network (Taliban). HNK sued the Islamic Republic of Iran for their material support of the Taliban and obtained judgment on behalf of its clients.
  3. Bland, et al v. Islamic Republic of Iran, and other cases on behalf of Marines killed or injured in the 1983 Marine Barracks bombing in Beirut, Lebanon and their families.  HNK sued the Islamic Republic of Iran for their material support of Hezbollah and obtained judgment on behalf of its clients in various cases.
  4. Baker, et al. v Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya as counsel to the American Victims of the terrorist hijacking of EgyptAir Flight 648 on November 23, 1985, during which each American on board the flight was shot in the head by the terrorists, HNK sued Libya and Syria for the material support of the Abu Nidal Organization, the terrorist group that perpetrated the hijacking. The evidence obtained showed that Libya and Syria were involved in the hijacking. HNK’s clients were included in awards from the settlement the United States reach with Libya in 2008. The US District Court for the District of Columbia subsequently awarded a judgment against Syria in the amount of $450,000,000.

HNK has worked, with their various co-counsel, on matters in which in excess of $4 billion has been collected on behalf of victims of terrorism of which in excess of $700 million dollars has been collected on behalf of clients of HNK.

In addition, Mr. Nudelman has experience in other complex litigation matters such as class action and other disputes Mr. Nudelman served as lead and/or co-counsel in the following representative matters: Elkies, et al. v. Johnson and Johnson Services, Inc., et al.; Katz, et al vs Garmin LTD. et al and Walter E Klinger, et al. v. Motorola.